Scientific research, results and publications

We are in the midst of a breathtaking process of increasing knowledge and technical innovations. This increase does not make us more sure in our decisions, but confronts us with more complex situations which require ethically justified humane decision-making and action at the borders of empirical knowledge. In the field of psychotherapeutic ethics there are hardly any specialized institutions, despite the fact that psychotherapy, education, and psychology have been more often discussed questions of values and their evaluation and justification than other disciplines that can rely on hard data and facts. Anthropological medicine has been analyzing very early the basic moments of such situations. It would be very regrettable if this methodical knowledge were not incorporated into bioethics and medical ethics as well as in other areas of the sciences. This is precisely the focus of the ethical research approaches which cover theoretical questions of value formation as well as practical questions of their political realization. Not only in this context, but also widely beyond health care and many other areas of social conflicts it is the main problem is how economic effectiveness and ethics, humanity and economy can be both sufficiently satisfied in one and the same system and at the same time. The institute IEPG is devoted to the task of making aware of these implicit dilemmas of our current system, to find and prepare responsible solutions wherever possible and present them in a practical, i.e. socio-politically and economically realizable form. Empirical research and empirical knowledge are to be complemented by a reflection of fundamental anthropological questions. The results will be published regularly, including in two series: Affekt - Emotion -Ethik (14 volumes since 2004) and Ethik interdisziplinär. For more informations: Tätigkeitsbericht und Dokumentation des IEPG seit 2000. Entwicklungen der psychotherapeutischen Ethik. Mannheim 2013. ISBN 978-3-00-043306-1
Stefanie Welk, star in you
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